About TIFA

About TIFA

 Toyonaka International Friendship Association (TIFA) was established in 1985 in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture, to promote international exchange and cooperation in the local community. Aiming for a multicultural society where everyone can live comfortably, TIFA promotes community-based international exchange, support for foreign residents in Japan, and support for women and children overseas.

Living Together – Across Nationalities and Cultures (Message from Chairperson)

TIFA Introduction

 TIFA was established in November 1985 by volunteers who had completed the International Exchange course sponsored by Toyonaka City. In the beginning, the core members were housewives of the community. The members provided support closely related to daily life to international students, such as finding housing, acquiring household goods, and accompanying students to hospitals and government offices. This “family-like” or “mother-like” style of support is still carried on today. Since then, the scope of activities has been expanding. The group has also expanded to include not only housewives, but also young people and men.

 The members usually work in smaller groups. In addition to providing livelihood support to foreign residents, they engage in community-based activities such as exchange activities, lectures on cross-cultural understanding, and international-mindedness education. TIFA’s style since its establishment has been for members to make the most of their individual interests and strengths in collaboration.

Aiming to solve global issues in international collaboration, TIFA has also continued to support the independence of women and children in the remote Sindhuli district of Nepal since 1993. Since 1999, TIFA began operating “Happy Girls Home”, a place for girls who have been orphaned to live with others in similar situations. As Nepalese society stabilized, TIFA began supporting the education of local children and introducing women’s handicrafts to Japan.

 In July 2000, 15 years after its establishment, TIFA obtained NPO status with the aim of furthering multicultural understanding and coexistence.

 In 2012, the office was moved to a new location near Toyonaka Station and “TIFA Cafe Sapana” was opened. It has become a place for international exchange and for foreign residents to play an active role, introducing dishes from their home countries on a daily basis.



In February 2021, the office and cafe was moved and opened at a new location! In the same year, TIFA also began supporting women in

Afghanistan, further expanding the scope of the activities.

Undeterred by the COVID-19 situation, TIFA continues to develop its local and global activities with increasing enthusiasm.

We believe that multiculturalism and peace in the world is created through interaction of individuals across borders. We will continue to promote heart-to-heart international exchange and cooperation from the perspective of ordinary citizens. Please join us!
Please feel free to contact us if you would like to apply for membership or have any inquiries.