Tsukisoi Support – TIFA’s Escort Interpretation Service – Launches


We started a service to accompany you to clinics, hospitals and so on upon request as below.  Please feel free to contact us if you face difficulties in communication in Japanese.

Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Spanish, Nepali, Ukraine, etc.

Tsukisoi Support is an escort interpretation service in and around Toyonaka City for clients who face language barriers and unfamiliar systems at hospitals/clinics and so on.  Upon request, we will dispatch a “Supporter” accompanying you to such places.

To Where: Hospitals, Clinics, Banks, the Tax Office, Schools except Toyonaka municipal ones, and other facilities where no other interpretation service is available

Fee: (If you are a Toyonaka citizen)

Free up to 3 times within a fiscal year (from April to March of the following year)

\3,000 per dispatch from the 4th time

(If you live in another municipality) \3,000 yen per dispatch

Kindly deposit the fee within one week after the dispatch. 

(Your contribution will be used to continue our services. Thank you for your understanding.)

How to Apply: Read the QR code on the right and contact us from the Application Form. (For the time being, we will accept applications via email or telephone.)

Application Deadline: Try to contact us by one week prior to your appointment.

Please note:

  • Never request an interpreting service directly to the dispatched Supporter.
  • Supporters are not supposed to provide you with their private contact.
  • We will do our best to find a Supporter to accompany you, but we may not be able to dispatch one.

Toyonaka International Friendship Association (TIFA)            Tel: 06-6840-1014                            email: tifa99@nifty.ne.jp




